Our Services

Home Owners

  • 60 day notice
  • Legal hypotec
  • Debt consolidation
    • We can clear all debts such as credit cards, auto loans, personal loans, notice of assessments and help you rebuild your credit
  • Down payment when purchasing real estate
  • Refinancing
  • Renovations
  • Unpaid property taxes
  • Unpaid notice of assessment
  • Construction liens
  • Unforeseen circumstances
    • Cracked foundations
    • Leaks in roof
  • Self-employed entrepreneurs
    • Traditional institutions make it difficult on self-employed entrepreneurs. They see them as being unpredictable and consider them high risk. For these reasons, self-employed entrepreneurs are often refused or accepted at a lower amount than requested.


  • Cash flow
  • Purchasing inventory or equipment
  • Acquiring a new business
  • Renovations
  • Purchasing real estate
  • Publicity and marketing

Brokers & Professionals

We work together as a team with brokers and professionals to find solutions for their clients financial needs.

  • Helping their clients get a loan after being declined by a traditional financial institution
  • Will lend with multiple collaterals
  • Creative and flexible financial solutions
  • Loans on residential, commercial and industrial buildings, condominiums, multiplexes and vacant land

Let's work together